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How to understand the interface

Once started, DropIt has a special “minimalist” interface: it is a floating icon on your screen.

This interface is everything you need:

  • you can hold left-click it to move the floating icon in a new position
  • you can right-click it to show the main context menu
  • you can drag&drop files and folders on it to process them

Let's focus on the floating icon position

You can move the floating icon on your screen. For example I like to keep it at Top Middle, or Bottom Right. Of course, you decide where.

Once decided a position, you can “Lock target image position” from DropIt Options, to prevent it from rolling away. In this case, if you want to reposition it, you can press the “SHIFT” key while dragging with your left mouse button (it temporarily unlocks the target image).

If you prefer to partially hide it, you can enable “Auto-hide target image on the nearest side of the screen” from DropIt Options. The floating icon will disappear to the left of the screen and will return visible when the mouse hovers nearby.

In alternative, you can double-click the floating icon to minimize it, and from DropIt Options you can also select to “Start minimized to system tray” if you want to use DropIt in this mode.

Let's focus on the main context menu

All DropIt configurations are available from this context menu.

Associations: you can organize your associations between rules (to filter files) and actions (to process them).

Profiles: you can select the profile to use (you can also scroll the mouse wheel to do it), and you can create new profiles to group your associations for different uses.

Languages: you can select the interface language.

Options: you can change the general DropIt settings.

Hide: you can minimize DropIt in the system tray (you can also double-click target image to do it).

Guide: you can open the PDF guide of DropIt.

About: you can get info about DropIt and you can update it to the last stable version.

Exit: you can close DropIt.

Let's focus on the process

When you drag&drop some files and folders on the floating icon, they are loaded by DropIt in a optimized order, checking for matching associations.

If a dropped file does not match with defined associations, DropIt allows to create a new association between the rules to filter files and the action to process them. For more info read “The LAZY way to make an association” on the Section How to start with DropIt.

Now files and folders are loaded into the progress window. You can click the “More” button on the left to see the list of loaded items, click the “Start” button on the center to begin the process, or click the “Stop” button on the right to abort the process.

From the list of loaded items is also possible to right-click them to get “Info” or to “Skip” them during the process.

The process begins when you click “Start” and can be temporarily interrupted clicking that button again (now named “Pause”).

Completed the process, you can close this window clicking “Done”.

If the process fails for some files or folders, a message alerts you and the “Status” column of the list of items reports “Failed” for not processed items.

howto/understand_the_interface.txt · Last modified: 2014/10/04 11:01 by lupo73